The other day I was at the Union Square Greenmarket near closing time. A woman rushed by me carrying several bunches of beautiful Cosmos, like huge sprays of wildflowers. I was determined to find that vendor and buy some. Within a minute or so I found him packing up his tent for the day. A small number of bouquets remained on his table. As I gingerly picked one up he said, “Three for $10.” How could I resist? What’s the opposite of the early bird gets the worm? The late bird gets the bargain flowers? Anyway, I schlepped everything home on the subway (three huge bunches of flowers, two bags of produce & my giant purse). A bit of an ordeal, but well worth it.
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Beverly, it was indeed well worth the schleppe, you late bird, you! I love cosmos and have a fairly large portion of my vegetable garden planted with cosmos and multi-colored zinnias. i plant them each year thinking that they will be nice to cut for house bouquets, but I can never bring myself to cut them. They grow all through the summer. Your little watercolors are wonderful. And I much admire your drawings from life on your earlier post. bisous,
Thank you Janet! I can imagine how gorgeous your cosmos and zinnias must look right now. I don’t think I’d be able to cut them either! xoxo Beverly